The Broomfield Depot Museum is a historic building in Broomfield, CO. It was originally built in 1881 and served as the railroad stop for Broomfield until it was decommissioned by Union Pacific Railroad after the creation of I-25. The Broomfield Depot Museum has two floors with artifacts from all eras of Broomfield’s history. Visitors can see old photographs, train schedules, vintage clothing, children’s toys, and much more! Learn more here.
Broomfield Depot Museum is a great place to visit with family, friends, or even just by yourself. Broomfield Depot Museum has plenty of free parking, and the museum itself is completely wheelchair accessible! Broomfield Depot Museum also hosts many public events throughout the year, including Broomfield Reads Together in February, Zombie Day at the Library in October, and Holiday Open House around Christmas time. Learn more about A Tour of Interlocken East Park in Broomfield, CO.
Broomfield Depot Museum in Broomfield, CO, has a fascinating and educational train history. Broomfield is the first home of one railroad line that eventually became part of Union Pacific Railroad Company (and another still exists as Coors Brewing Company). The museum’s collection includes photographs, tools used by workers to build the railroads, as well as ticket punches and other items from those days. There are also exhibits on local Native American cultures like pottery shards and arrowheads found around Broomfield.