COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 Update: 4/28/2020:
Our clinic remains open during this COVID-19 pandemic time of crisis. We are following strict precautions as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), and the US Department of Health to ensure our patient's and employees' safety.
According to Dr. Matos, an expert in biologic surety and the management of select agent programs at federal facilities: “Physical therapists are essential in flattening the curve of the COVID-19 pandemic. They play a key role in keeping people they can help out of the doctor's offices and ER’s. This will not only free up the medical teams to treat those impacted by COVID-19 but also limit the exposure of those seeking the care of the physical therapist.”
As we all continue to navigate the impact Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had on our lives, we thought it would be helpful to share what Anchor Physical Therapy, P.C. is doing to make your therapy appointment as safe as possible.
The first step was educating our workforce using validated resources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), and the US Department of Health.
The second step was to evaluate our ability to continue to provide services without increasing exposure risks to you, our visitors, and staff. As part of that process, we made a list of questions that we will ask to ascertain the exposure risk of each individual who enters our facility.
The third step included intensifying our housekeeping & infection control procedures to assure that we have minimized contact with anything or areas that could harbor harmful bacteria or viruses.
In doing so we are asking all individuals (staff and patients) who enter our clinic to:
- Have their temperature taken and recorded upon arrival.
- Complete the Patient Coronavirus-19 Questionnaire per visitor to confirm ‘no changes’ since the completion of the Questionnaire.
- We respectfully request all patients wear a mask of some sort.
- Apply our hand-sanitizer prior to completing paperwork, signing-in for the appointment, taking a seat in our reception area, or starting treatment.
- Practice good hand hygiene (frequent 20-second handwashing) as well as good cough and sneeze etiquette (cover mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and deposit the tissue in a hands-free trash can or cover his/her mouth with his/her elbow if tissues are not immediately available).
- Apply our hand-sanitizer when departing the clinic.
- Advise care-givers to wait in their car so our reception area is less congested.
The fourth step we have taken is all staff are now wearing scrubs that stay onsite and are sanitized daily in addition to wearing masks during any contact with our patients. All clinicians and aides are wearing N95 masks and gloves during all treatment sessions.
The fifth step included reconfiguring our gym and reception areas to permit greater physical separation of patients and utilizing our private treatment rooms for additional security.
The sixth step has been to adapt our schedule to accommodate our higher risk for severe illness and immunologically compromised patients including but not limited to the older adults, especially the frail or elderly. Our 4-private treatment rooms allow for better physical separation as stated above.
The final step is to continue educating our workforce and our patient community regarding COVID-19 updates. We will consistently employ measures to minimize the spread of COVID-19 according to the CDC (and other credible authorities) recommendations and will keep you informed of any changes in protocols.
As a precautionary measure, we’d like to offer some recommendations and information about Coronavirus as it relates to your care. Please read through the following FAQ and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Am I at risk? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offered the following advice:
The majority of the American public is unlikely to be exposed to this virus, so generally speaking, the immediate health risk posed by COVID-19 is considered low.
People in communities with a growing number of confirmed COVID-19 cases are at an elevated—though still relatively low—risk of exposure.
Like other viruses, COVID-19 cannot target people from specific populations, ethnicities, or racial backgrounds; exposure to the disease itself is the greatest risk factor associated with contracting it.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of coronavirus include:
- Fever
- Coughing (dry)
- Shortness of breath
- Lack of smell/taste
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we ask that you contact your primary care physician for further advice. In the meantime, as a courtesy to your therapist, our clinic staff, and your fellow patients, please do not come into the clinic at this time. Instead, please contact us to reschedule your future appointments—even if it's last-minute—by calling 303-460-0329.
I'm only feeling a little sick. What should I do?
While it may be tempting to come in for your treatment if you “just have a cough,” we do ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling at all sick. In the meantime (and if your strength allows), continue with your prescribed home exercise program, and reach out to your therapist via phone or home exercise app messaging if you have any questions.
For a helpful set of recommendations on how to keep yourself and others protected from COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases year-round, follow this link.
We appreciate your willingness to help us with this matter.
Wishing you good health,
Robin Braden, PT, DPT Cory Braden, PT, DPT
President Vice President
Clinic Tour of Disinfecting Activities
Important Message About Washing Your Hands